Thursday, March 1, 2012

Our Story

My name is Jessica and I am mother to a beautiful little girl Taylor and a handsome little boy Aiden. I am married to my wonderful husband Mark and we live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I wanted to start this blog to share our journey with others who might be going through the same thing. Even though this blog will mostly be about Aiden's journey, it will of course also be about our family's entire journey.

Aiden was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms on Februrary 2nd 2012. Here is a little backgroud:

Wednesday January 25th started out like any normal day. Aiden was happy and his typical smilely, easy going baby. We recently introduced solid food and he was absolutely loving it, we couldn't feed him enough or fast enough. I was getting ready for work and put Aiden in his bouncer. He loves that thing and can bounce for an hour in it. When he's in it he doesn't stop moving or smiling. That's when I first noticed something was wrong. He was just standing in the bouncer not moving, not smiling, just staring. I called out to him and he didn't respond. After about a minute he started bouncing again. About three minutes later he stopped again and this time I noticed that his head would drop down and go back up. Kinda like he was falling asleep. I took him out of his bouncer and was holding him. All of a sudden he jerked foward, hands flew in the air and he had a weird look on his face. This happened three or so more times for about five minutes. It was like something had startled him three or four times in a row. That night it happened again. First thing in the morning I brought him in. The doctor seemed a little concerned but you could tell she didn't want to say too much just yet. She asked if I felt comfortable just watching for the weekend and then we would decide if we should go to a neurologist. I said I was fine with that since he was eating and sleeping and still happy the rest of the day. On Friday night Linda (my mother in law) said Aiden has about 20 of these "spells" in five minutes. Way more then normal. I called our pediatrician who said to bring him in first thing in the morning. Saturday morning at around 6:30 I was able to catch one of Aiden's spells on video camera. I was glad I had something to show the doctor. I showed the doctor the video and he said right away the he would need to refer ne to a pediatric neurologist. He said it looked like Infantile Spasms.

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